
When I try to push changes to a repository in scp/* on the O-RAN-SC Gerrit, I get a permission denied error. I have no problems proposing changes for other repositories.

An example of this would be

git push origin HEAD:refs/for/master
fatal: remote error:
Upload denied for project 'scp/ric-app/kpimon'


The O-RAN-SC Gerrit utilizes two different sets of CLAs. For all repositories that do no live under scp/* the CLAs in use are the ICLA OSS  and CCLA OSS, all repositories that live under scp/* require the signing of either the ICLA ORAN-SC Association or the CCLA ORAN-SC Association licenses

  1. Got to
  2. See which Contributor Agreements you presently are part of
  3. If you do not show an appropriate CLA for the repository you want to contribute to, Select 'New Contributor Agreement'
  4. Follow the steps as appropriate
  5. After getting confirmation that the CLA has been signed, log out and then back in to the Gerrit UI at a web login is the only time that your group rights are updated